
Detailed discussion on the general properties of viruses. 

Have you ever suffered from chicken pox? Let's make it simpler: have you suffered from the common cold? Most likely, you are suffering just now. Just kidding, but we all know how awful we felt during the common cold, with a sore throat, fever, runny nose, fatigue, ...etc. And the things, that are responsible for this are none other than viruses. So, in this blog, we will discuss about viruses, its general properties, reproduction/replication, some basic classification,size,shape and how they invade our body. 1.General propertie of Viruses A virus is the smallest infectious particle that can only be seen through an electron microscope. Viruses are obligate intracellular organisms, which means they can only survive or grow inside the cell. It has no ribosomes present, which means they can't produce their own protein by themselves; they need some host or cell. Structure: Basic structure of virus  In the picture, you can see the basic or fundamental structure of a virus. Let me

How does cholera affect our body?

This is a article from WHO which is dated 20 March 2024, See the heading,its 2024 ,still people are at risk of Cholera. WHO article After reading this article, I wondered why people are not concerned about this disease. Millions are at risk, and we are not even concerned about this. Most people don't even know how cholera affects our bodies. Its not even that hard to understand, lets find out in this article. Cholera is not new to our society; it's been happening in this world since 1817. There are a total 7 outbreaks of cholera, and coincidentally, the 7th one is going on.  That's why it's very important for us to understand, the cholera bacteria and how it affects our body. So, lets start: What is cholera?  The term " cholera " is originally derived from the word " khole ," which means "bile." It was historically believed that cholera was caused by an imbalance of the body's liquid, particularly an excess of bile. However,with modern

What is the WIDAL test? How is it done?

Have you ever been to a doctor with a fever and he writes a test, something like a WIDAL test? May be he is suspecting Typhoid fever.Don't worry; it's a very simple test and easy to understand.  But it is not that specific, if you have malaria, or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), or a disease called infectious mononucleosis (IM), which is a fever caused by the Epstein- Barr virus (EBV), then also it can show positive.So the doctor may ask you to do this test in a gap of 2 weeks again to confirm the diagnosis. The Widal test is primarily used for diagnosing typhoid fever caused by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi and Paratyphi. What is the WIDAL test? The Widal test is a laboratory test used to detect antibodies against Salmonella enterica serotypes Typhi and Paratyphi, which cause typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever, respectively. It is basically an antibody-antigen reaction where we collect antigen from the patient and mix it with the antibodies. If the reaction occurs, t

What causes dysentery?

I don't think this disease needs any introduction; it's one of the most common diseases around the world, and I am sure most of us must have suffered from or encountered such cases. But we always misinterpret the terms dysentery and diarrhea. These two are very similar, yet different.  Diarrhea is a health condition where a person suffers from watery or loose stool. Dysentery is an infection or inflammation of the gut, most commonly the colon, which can lead to bloody or loose stool with blood/mucus. What causes this dysentery.  Dysentery is mainly caused by bacteria or protozoa (Entamoeba histolytica) . And it is spread through feces in an oral way, which means mainly contaminated food. That's why it's very important to heat the food or wash your hands before eating. Bacterial Dysentery: So from bacteria, we got bacillary dysentery or bacterial dysentery. Some of the most common bacteria that cause this are Shigella , which can cause  to shigellosis. Salmonella ,

Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis

We all know some basics about Tuberculosis,  like Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease,which is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It primarily affects the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body, such as the kidneys, spine, and brain. TB is transmitted through the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, releasing bacteria-containing droplets into the air that can be inhaled by others. If you want to know the process What happens in Tuberculosis? Now, I will show you how a doctor or health professional sees tuberculosis. Let's take a case if anybody is showing symptoms of TB like coughing, fever,night sweat,blood in the cough, etc. And when the person goes to the doctor, he or she suspects it may be TB. To confirm, the doctor may have to do some diagnostic tests. I am going to explain the procedures: First, let's start with the Tuberculin Skin Test/Mauntex Test: In this test, the healthcare professional injects a small dose of a s

What happens in Tuberculosis?

   " For millennia, our ancestors have suffered and died with tuberculosis, without knowing what it was, what caused it, or how to stop it. Today, we have knowledge and tools they could only have dreamed of. We have political commitment, and we have an opportunity that no generation in the history of humanity has had: the opportunity to write the final chapter in the story of TB"   By-Dr Tearos Hananom Ghebreyesus Director-General World Health Organization Do you know that TB remained the world’s second-leading cause of death from a single infectious agent in 2022, after COVID-19, and caused almost twice as many deaths as HIV/AIDS, according to WHO reports.But many people have no idea what tuberculosis (TB) is or what happens in cases of tuberculosis (TB). All of us have a vague idea of TB, but almost nobody has ever thought about what happens in TB, how it causes the disease, or death.  And TB is not a simple disease that you can ignore; it is infectious, community-based,

What is MRI? How is it different from CT scan?

The above image, which you are seeing, is an MRI of a normal 3-year-old boy. If you have any background in biology or medicine, you would be excited because you can see the brain cortex, eyeball, ventricles, medulla oblangata, etc. MRI is kind of a blessing to medical science because, without it, it would be very difficult to identify and diagnose an internal disease. Think of a brain tumor, where there is an abnormal growth of tissues inside the brain. How can a doctor say the location of the tumor and how it is affecting different parts of the brain? MRI is the best diagnostic method to identify any abnormality in soft tissue. Of course, there is a CT scan, ultrasound and X-rays, but it generally doesn't show an exact or high-resolution image of the abnormality. What is MRI? MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging,  is a medical imaging technique used to visualize internal structures of the body in detail. It uses a powerful magnetic field , radio waves, and computer technology to gen

What is sonography? How can you read it?

  You must have seen this type of image in someone's common room or bedroom as a frame. Can you identify it? It's an ultrasonography of the fetus, maybe about 20 weeks. They keep it as a momento. Because it's the first image of their child. But ultrasonography is not only done during pregnancy; it is also used to detect various diseases and complications. Like kidney stones, gall bladder caliculi, detection of cysts, etc., we will discuss them in detail. What is Sonography or Ultrasonography? Ultrasonography/ Sonography/ultrasound, is a medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of internal body structures. It's commonly used for diagnostic purposes, such as examining organs, tissues, and blood vessels, as well as monitoring pregnancies. It contains many technical devices to examine the patient,  it includes Probe :It's the handheld device that the sonographer (technician) moves over the body to capture images. Console : Thi